that day

5th of april 2011..
as u might noe it was my besday..
but to be honest,
the besday that i was celebrated last year
was much2 better than dis year i guess...
mane taknye,3x kowt smbut last year..
rindu lak nak trime byk2 adiah.
tahun neyh..
aku smbut dgn deraian air mate kowt..
sebab ape?
only God noe...
but,we can't always get want we want..

eventhough dat my eyes had been a little bit swollen
on my besday (dont ask me why)

nevertheless,it was still
a hepi-besday-day for me..
kat fb ja 80 lebih wish..
thru phone g..text lagi..
terharu mak =P

yes,i might cried bcoz of u,
but i'm get an extra smile also,
bcoz of u..
so,you're forgiveable...

i'm dedicated this appreciation to.........

marlisa haziqah for the exclusive watch
sofia izanie for the sweet card
faris harun for the such loveable video( post in youtube plak tue!)
 and for all u that remember my besday..

sarang ha mi da ^^

video from OPPa !





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