need a breaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ...!

rumah dh siap rennovate..
okay..that's a good news..
yelahh..sengsara woo hidup 3mgu
dlm alam kebisingan..
now, tinggal org nk cat rmh je...
boleh tahan lagi..
mcm2 warne ade,luar dlm
segalanya ada di sini.. kikiki
der is more bad news than goods...
1st, uncle tue boleh lak pula salah cat warna bilik...!
fuuufuffufuuf...sabo jelah aii..
2nd,all of my joints are in critical condition..
mana tak nya,
3 org je yg ade nak kemas satu rumahh..
angkat katil,turun bwh..
katil baru naik atas..
ngan segala2 stuff,perabot,baju2..buku..
nak susun balik
after rennovate,i even can't recognise my house...haha
dh xde verandah dh,
jdi bilik pengantin sudah..
to become worst,
sakit lutut makin la bertmbah..
and i'm also the one who broke the big mirror at hall..
okay,dah boleh nanges sekarang..

the old home 

now it turns to............


okay..i'm kidding..
if u wanna noe how it looks now,
come to muar la!



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