bismillah.. salamualaik.. this post i dedicated to one of my dearest friend yet could be the craziest gurl in the WORLD ( bhahaahhahahaha ) named, NURASHIKIN NORHASIM today, 8TH 0CTOBER 2011 is her birthday, but its kinda sad bcz i can't be beside her to wish her n celebrated together.. but what make me regret the most is, i failed to be the 1st one who wish her bcz of diff time between msia n egypt.. i should not change my time in my phone.. kan dh trlmbat wish.. stupid phone! (ceh,pdhal diri punya salah!) what ever it is, utk menggantikan ketidakhadiran diriku di sebelah kamu, dan kelewatan dlm mengewish kamu, serta ketidakmampuan ku memberikn kamu hadiah, dek berbatu2 jauhnya diri kami, i wish u will received my personal note.. straight from my heart.. sincerely.. shikin, thank you for being my fren. thank you for laughing at my jokes. thank you for pujuk ( lpe english sat ) i whe...
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