life goes on....

day by day..
its getting different ryte now..
a part of me still losing her soul...
while others are trying to pull myself to step forward
into the new life..

trying to forget the past,
i'm just trying to focus on my future..
tp tue la yg wat kan aku lg pening skrg...
too much worried of sth,
i guess that's my trademark...

that the course that i really want..
tp to get it,
i'm not very sure which way is the best to get it..
i'm really3 afraid to take an acti0n
as it might ruined my future...
i'm just dun want to feels upset for the second time..
but i still believe,
either asasi,matrik or even dip,
HE will choose the best way for me,,
thats, i always pray for..

eventhough i might not be the old me,
who always bersemangat while doing anything..
but thanks to everyone around me,
at least i'm moving forward...

words from abg asyraf syazriq,

kalau perlu menangis,menangislah sepuas hati kamu..
tapi pastikan ini adalah tangisan kamu yg terakhir..
set dlm mind,xkire ape pun jalan yg dipilih utk kamu,
pastikan kamu lakukan yg paling baik k dik..
abg doakn yg trbaik buat kamu..
just keep moving...

words from nur atiqah hamzah
 (sort of)

jadikn what people think of u,
sbg pembakar semangat kamu buat masa hadapan...
awk dpt 6a taw,bkn 1a..
yg lain b plus kn..strong je kite rse
risau sgt mcm result awk la plg teruk di dunia..
ada rezki,pasti dpt ke mane2 kamu..
(baik mem tqa..) 

cikgu sidek..

keep thinking positive and move ahead nani..

akak2 aku.....

mungkin apa yg kamu nak Allah tak beri skrg,
tp Dia pasti akn makbulkn doa hambanya,
soon or later...
we're proud of u enough..
jika kamu begitu kecewa,
bagaimane rasanya bagi mereka yg lagi
bwh dpd kamu..
just keep forward...


bersyukurlah kerna itu yg terbaik buat awk..
sy prcaya,awk akn terus berjaya lps nie kn?
ape2 tawaran dpt,
pergi je...jauh atau dekat..
i'm always here to pull u upward whenever
u falling down..

ramai lg yg kasi semangat,
itulah sebahagiannye..
yg plg aku terharu,
kak nabilah n ezzat emir tak jemu2 layan aku..
bila2 mase aku perlukn bantuan dorg utk 
selidik lebih lanjut psl cara mane yg plg sesuai dgn aku,,
tanpa rase mara or jemu..
 nani minta maaf yaa..
moral of the story,
for now,
all i can do is pray for my very best...
pasal jiwa aku yg hilang,
aku pasti suatu hari nanti Allah akn 
bantu aku menjumpainya semula...
aku menjadi semkin dekat dgn Nya..
jika dulu amalan sunat 1,2..
kini bertmbah2 dan sntiase kerna dgn itu
aku menemui kekuatanku semula...
bantu aku mencintai Mu dgn lebih mndalam lagi
Ya Allah..
kerna sesungguhnya,
tanpa Mu..
i'm nothing..


  1. nani,, i know u can do it...
    lau nani 6a pun risau about future,,
    ape lg org yg dpt bwh nani...
    lg buntu... cm kiter ni
    gud luck yer my friend.. :)
    same2 kiter berjaya pd masa yg akan dtg..
    Allah syg akn hamba-Nya.. :)

  2. must have confident..find the word CONFIDENT in yourself back..thanks for writting my a big appreciation :)

  3. huhhu..thanks shera..moga2 Allah berikn nikmat yg lebih akn dtg..insyaAllah..

  4. tqa..yes..i think i should..thanks to u too babe


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