story of my life - part I


today is 2nd of June 2017. it was the day where i decided to to start writing again because i think memories are starting to fade of. so, in order to let the memories stay with me, i will froze the memories into this blog. so that eventhough i get old by times, all of these memories will always remains close in my heart.

let start with the big G-day in my life. The graduation day that occured in 3rd of June 2016.

Alhamdulillah, i was finally graduated from Alexandria Uni with bachelor of dental surgery with flying colors. All these five years back in Alex had taught me so much. Who knows that this journey that Allah puts me in had totally changed me a lot. where i really thankful for Him to put me in this journey. which i believed had changed me from good to better. (still aim for becoming best in person thou)

been missing everyone back then. i pray that i will return to Alex. soon perhaps. ameen


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