everything is changing


looking back to my a few post before,
sgt2 la pnoh dgn ke-depresion-an... 
and the past few months really were like months with thunder 
and storm..
it were not really thunder kowt,
but it's more to the feeling after the storm end,
you know,sedihhhh yang teramat la tue makna nyeee..hailaa
but,no matter how hard i could cried,
or smpai kluar sgala mekanisme2 dlm bebola api,eh silap,mata nie,
 it will never ever can return me back to the old timer..
i have to admit this time of challenges were really taff,
but most of the time, the things that hurt us the most 
are the ones that teach us the best lessons in life...

Believe me,
 everyone's been through a rough period in their lives, 
and always know that you are never alone, as long as you have Him in your heart, all will be well,

okay,selesai mukadimah

(lak,bru mukadimah ke? biaq pi la,my blog what).

the things yg me nak kecek2 about adalah berkenaan dgn

how time can fly so fast??

sumtimes,bnde nie klu difikir2 kn kembali,kinda scary though...

yelah,masa berlalu umpama Usain Bolt,

yg kite nie still terkedek2 menjalani kehidupan seharian tak penah nk 

perasan yg usia kita pon turut meningkat dgn jayanya..

makin cepat tua,ptotnya makin berisi kan amalan kita..

so,tepuk kepala,tanya la medulla anda..

berapa byk amalan yg kita telah biakkan slama nie..

berbicara mengenai usia (gler skema ayat),
even myself cant believe that ryte now
i'm da gurl who already age 18 who goin 19 ~

bak kate sguib sepah : OMG! OMG! OMG!

masih teringat lagi taktala kaki ini melangkah masuk ke
SABGS (okay,i miss u damn hard) when form1..

seyes,muka nerd cam tahap kambing to the power of 2!
skali tgk2 muka kat cermin skrg,amboiiii...
boleh la tahan =P

weyh,every single thing that He create are beutiful aren't they? kannn..
lantak pilah kat jerawat aku byk2 nie..pfft.

dan td biler aku tgh otw nk buka acc hsbc,
pastu dh ade acc bank sndri ni and nak2 pula
bila pakcik tue bercerita pasal all the stuff yg psl overseas n mesir bla bla bla nie,
tros terdetik kat hati nie..
laa..dh besaq rupanya aku...
dah nak pi mesir lak tue..biaq betik aku nk pi mesir..
lagi 2bulan kowt...
yang selama nie dok tercongok kat usm,
blaja psl sgala bnde yg mampu mengusut serta memerengkan 
kepala pon rupanya x mampu lagi membangkitkan aku dari
lena tidur nya seorang budak yg perasan diri nye kecik lagi..


ttbe cuakk kowtt..
lantak la,this is the path that i already choose...


i have to keep struggleling in it..

I've have always believed that Allah SWT has set the best path for us.. 

tapi sayang nya skrg..
i think that i'm losing my own self..
living in usm really make me feel like i'm an actress yg brlkon
atas pementasan teater abad ke 21..


nevermind,i'll try my best to find my own flaws..

hanya kepada-Mu Ya Rabb,ku pohon yang terbaik...

P/S : i miss my beybeh grup like tahap kambing to the power of 7 !!


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