from heart with love..

as y'll know,
now everybody seem very busy with their new journey..
masing2 ade masa depan yg nak dikejar
and nak digrab..
but at this moment,i just dunno 
what exactly
  my heart feels about this situation..
mcm2 dugaan dtg for the past few months..
i was a sarjan major fatin inani bte mohd noh..
and i'm not gonna lose in this battle..!
actually,thats not the main point why i'm typing this nyte..
the highlighted are supposed to be at my dear frens..
ikhlas dari limpa-pancreas-jantung hati nani..

marlisa haziqah

aku start kenal ko time form 1..
mle2 kite slalu gaduh..
yg xbley tahan,it's always bcoz of
some silly small matter (x mature sungguh! ) =P
u'r my heart..
der is no way i can replace ur place
wit sumbody else..
and i hope u'll doin the same too..
love u mar..
really love to make silly jokes so that we can laughing like death...

nurul hafidzah nasrudin 
( i'm spelling ustaz's name correctly kn3? )

thats what i'm always call u when i miss u..
u noe what?
u always there for me,,,
u always cheer me up when i'm sad..
u always try to make day better for me when i having the bad day..
u'r very soft to me..
and yes, i gonna miss u damn hard babe..
jgn lupa aku pless..

nurashikin hasim

at first,kite xrapat sgt,coz ko lbh ke arah bdk depan..teehee
and to be honest,dloe aku slalu jeles ngan ko
coz ko rapat ngan mar..
(itu dulu la weyh!! zaman lampin pakai buang dloe! form2 kowt=P )
but now i realise that,
mmg rugi la siapa2 yg xjdikn ko bestie till death dowg !
coz what?
it's just so simple mcm saying nani cute ^^
it's bcoz ko la penasihat setia aku..
when i'm with u,all the sad thing dat buzzing around my head,
will just left me..!
aku xtaw la mungkin sbb aura darkness ko ke kan,,=P
but it's truth,aku sgt ske diri aku dgn ko..
aku sgt ske berbicara ngan ko..xtaw npe..
and aku sgt respek ko..=)
i love u so much my chin..
please do be by my side anytime so that u can comfort me..
i think i already miss u ryte now..lom g mesir lagi..

nurul fatihah mohd zawawi...

okay..aku dh start nak nages..
kite dh kwn selama 15thun..
ko lah kwn tahap susah mati aku yg plg lame..
ko setia dgn aku..
ko jarang2 amik aty ngan aku..
ko sntiase cbe utk bahagiakn aku..
aku rindu ko tia..
aku rindu nk plok belakang ko..
ko lah kwn yg plg kisahkn psl kesihatan aku..
kat mesir nanti,spe lg nk tlg
ingatkn aku mkn ubat..
i love u so muchh.
okay,tissue plessssssssssss....

nurul izzati mohd suhadi

kwn yg selalu jdi mangsa buli aku..
seyes aku ckp,aku rindu zaman kegmilangan aku ngan ko time form3,4 dloe..
aku ske sgt wat lawak tahap kambing ngan ko
time tue..
tp ko dh kurang skit gler ko sbb ylah,nek form 5 kn kne
jdi nerd,,,and usaha ko mmg berbaloi lah kan,,
straight a's babe..
proud of u..
tp,ko still dlm aty aku..
xpenah berganjak wlau sdikit pon..
love u u..

ucapan sblom berbuka pose...
esok raye yeah!

aku just nak minta maaf klu spjg kite brkwn,
aku byk sakitkn aty kowg..
kecikkan aty kowg..
trmkan or mmg sngaje mkn makanan kowg..
trmarah kowg ( period pe?! )
aku harap sgt kowg dpt doakn aku kuat kat mesir sne..
nak minta kasih syg kat 'dye',buat mse skrg..mmg xkn dpt la..
so,kasih syg dari kowg jelah yg aku tagihkn sentiase..
wlpon kite brpisah slame 5 tahun neyh,
tolong jgn pisahkn aku dri hati kowg...
nani syg kowg sgt360x....


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