lookin for the soul...

..    as everyone known result spm already been annouced..
it's not dat i'm not grateful for what i had got..it just..
it really a heartbreaking for me when i saw mum just
  really dispointed with me.
but what to do,,segalanya sudah tertulis..

ramai kate result aku 
( 1 a plus , 3 a , 2 a minus , 3 b plus ) x trok pown..
kire hebat la gak kn sebab aku active koko lg..susah handle bile kite ade dua komitmen..
dgn akademik n koko..
ble pk2 balik..em,btol gak..ngan kesihatan aku lg asek skit..
kire syukur dpt cmnie,,,
cme..biase lah.,.manusia..
just terasa, ble sgla penat lelah mcm x dihargai..
tp aku syukur sebab x terus hanyut dlm emosi aku,,
sdey smpai mcm x brsyukur lak..nauuzubillah...
aku just mohon agar diberikan rezki yg lebih mantap lps neyh..
mudah2an..أمين يا الله...

p/s :  a round of aplause for the champions..

moga masa depan yg cerah menanti buat kita semua..amin..


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