story of my life - part II

13th June 2016

it was during Ramadan . and im still in Alex.
so busy preparing myself to grab as many memories i could make before back for good to
malaysia. and after terawih, i received a viber call from malaysia.
it was from cop. by the time i received the call, i knew that sometimes bad is happening.
and yes, it is to inform that Atuk had died that night.

she has been suffering for years laying in the bed. and i redha and grateful for Him to took her in Ramadan. walaupun dalam hati terselit rasa ralat kerana tidak dapat bertemu dengan buat kali terakhir. i was one of her cucu yang paling rapat dengannya. and i still remember bilamana dia sanggup untuk ikut to airport, just bc she still wanna sent me to Alex eventhough she was on wheelchair on that time.

may Allah bless you and put u among rightneous person.
Allahuma ameen.


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